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Hair Transplant Forum International -- Review of Orlando Live Surgery Wkshop

ISHRS Hair Transplant Forum International/May/June 2004 Volume 14, Number 3

Co-Editor's Message

William M. Parsley

Orlando Highlights

The 10th Annual Live Surgery Workshop was held in Orlando, March 10-13. Dr. David Perez-Meza has been taking a gradually

more prominent role in orchestrating the meeting, and this year's meeting was one of the best, in spite of a policy change that did not

allow surgeons without a Florida medical license to operate. While we are assured that visiting doctors will again be allowed to

operate next year, the problem was only a minor one this year. Kudos to Dr. Perez-Meza, Dr. Matt Leavitt, Valerie Montalbano, and

the rest of the staff who worked so hard to make this meeting meaningful.

It was interesting to watch Dr. Alan Bauman performing follicular unit extraction (FUE). Of the 7 consecutive grafts that I checked

microscopically, he had only 3 transections out of the 19 hairs present. In those 3, the shafts were transected at mid-hair, so I expect

that the remaining hair shafts would regrow. Dr. Bauman states that he goes by "feel," not millimeters, in determining the depth, and

his technique was quite impressive. Rock-hard tumescence was necessary to obtain good results, and an electrical tumescence

infusion machine seemed to work nicely. It appears that with proper technique the transection rate with FUE can be very acceptable

in the proper candidates. Additionally, Dr. Bauman has solved the problem of buzz-cutting large amounts of the donor area by

punching right thru the hair shafts, thus requiring no trimming at all. This still leaves some major obstacles to overcome

length of

the procedure and expense of the procedure. Also, thus far, the final results of FUE seem to be less impressive than with strip

procedures, but this may change. Perhaps the ideal situations for the procedure will be for body hair transplants, small procedures,

patients with a history of poor healing, or patients with nearly depleted donor hair. It will be interesting to follow its development.

Without question, progress is being made.

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