Joella Cain's "The Escort" now available in Paperback
Clinical Data on Zerona -- Presentation at 16th Annual American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

Zerona on ABC-News, featuring Bauman patient, Jody Jack

Jody had successful treatment with the Zerona Laser from Erchonia. Aside from losing inches off her hips, waist and thighs, Jody felt that she looked a little 'leaner' in terms of muscle definition. The benefits of the Zerona treatment were confirmed by double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-site, Independent Review Board-approved clinical studies which have been submitted to the FDA. The Zerona device is seeking it's second FDA-clearance at this time--it has already been cleared for its use as an adjunct to liposuction. The Zerona process, however, is a non-surgical fat-reduction treatment. (post updated 2/5/09)
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