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Aesthetic Everything Network Includes Hair Loss Expert, Dr. Alan Bauman

"It is a concept that is dedicated to bringing together the entire industry in an effort to work together..."

Vanessa Florez's top rated website for "everything" cosmetic, including professionals, practices, companies, products, procedures--including hair loss treatments and hair transplant surgery, Aesthetic Everything is a also wealth of information for consumers seeking access to this often confusing industry and medical field. 

According to CEO Vanessa Florez, "it is a concept that is dedicated to bringing together the entire industry in an effort to work together... the first and only global network of aesthetic professionals." 

Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 8.57.33 AMOne of only a handful of physicians in Aesthetic Everything that specializes exclusively in the treatment of hair loss, Boca Raton-based Medical Director of Bauman Medical, industry consultant and board-certified hair transplant surgeon Dr. Alan J. Bauman is proud to be a part of this valuable  network of professionals.

View Dr. Bauman's profile at



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