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Hair Growth - Quitter's Day 2022

Hair Growth Quitter's Day 2022

or "Why Resolutions Are Like Stinky, Spoiled Milk"

Hello, it’s Dr. Bauman.

Lots of things have expiration dates:



Celebrity marriages. :)

And as it turns out, New Year’s resolutions have an expiration date, too. In fact, research conducted by Strava, a data analysis firm, found that January 19th is the day most people abandon their resolutions.

(Strava calls it “Quitter’s Day”. Ouch.)

So if you dropped your New Year’s resolutions like a carton of spoiled milk, you’re not the only one.

It happens to most people.

And one reason why is because, frankly, resolutions aren’t very effective.

Think about it. 

Most resolutions are well-intentioned but vague. 

For example, let’s say you set a resolution this year to get better hair health. The good intention is there, but what exactly does “better hair health” mean? It’s too vague to say, right?

As a result, there’s no way to measure your progress. Are you moving forward? Or running in place? Without a sense of forward momentum, it’s easy to wind up frustrated and confused.

No wonder so many people bail on their New Year’s resolutions after a couple of weeks.

But here’s good news:

By making a couple of simple tweaks, you can actually stick to your New Year’s resolutions -- and achieve any goal you set. Here’s how.

First, turn your resolution into a specific, process-oriented goal.

Instead of wishing and hoping for “better hair health”, you could turn that resolution into a specific goal like, “I want a visibly thicker, fuller head of hair in the next 9 to 12 months.”

Then, you follow a process that moves you towards this goal. For example: 

Eat foods rich in hair-healthy nutrients like biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids at each meal. Practice meditation 15 minutes per day to reduce stress. Meet with a qualified hair doctor to discuss your hair health challenges, goals, and treatment options.

(I’d be happy to meet with you 1-on-1 to talk about your hair health. Go here to learn more about scheduling a consultation with me and my team.)

If you stick to a winning process, results will follow.  

Second, actively measure your progress. 

Some goals are relatively easy to measure. 

Say your goal is to be able to do 50 push-ups in a row. You can tell how close you are to reaching that goal every time you do push-ups.

But measuring hair health progress isn’t always so easy.

In fact, your hair and scalp can be getting healthier without any visible results for weeks. 

To help our patients measure their progress through every step of their hair restoration journey, we’ve invested in an AI-powered microscopic hair analysis tool called HairMetrix.

Thanks to HairMetrix, our patients know precisely how well they’re responding to hair growth treatments. In seconds it tells us hair density and hair caliber. There’s no guesswork. And no wasted time.

But whatever tool you choose to use, make sure you’re measuring your progress. 

Because few things are better at keeping you focused and motivated than knowing you’re making progress towards your goals.

And you don’t have to go it alone.

If you’re serious about getting thicker, fuller hair this year, my team and I would love to help you reach that goal.

The first step is sitting down together in a 1-on-1 consultation, available in-person or virtually. 

During this consultation, we’ll uncover the root cause of your hair loss, clarify your hair health goals, and build a customized hair restoration plan for you.


Go here to schedule your 1-on-1 consultation.

Or call us at 561-394-0024 with questions or to schedule by phone.

And if you’re already a patient but you “dropped the ball” along the way, no worries! We’re here to help you get back on your journey.

Schedule a follow-up consultation virtually or in-office and we’ll get you back on track.

Call us at 561-394-0024 to schedule your follow-up visit.



Alan J. Bauman, MD

Medical Director of Bauman Medical


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