Zerona on ABC-News, featuring Bauman patient, Jody Jack

Jody had successful treatment with the Zerona Laser from Erchonia. Aside from losing inches off her hips, waist and thighs, Jody felt that she looked a little 'leaner' in terms of muscle definition. The benefits of the Zerona treatment were confirmed by double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-site, Independent Review Board-approved clinical studies which have been submitted to the FDA. The Zerona device is seeking it's second FDA-clearance at this time--it has already been cleared for its use as an adjunct to liposuction. The Zerona process, however, is a non-surgical fat-reduction treatment. (post updated 2/5/09)

ZERONA laser zaps fat on EXTRA! TV show

This week, the newest non-invasive fat-reduction treatment will be seen on Extra! TV.   The entertainment news program will discuss how the clinical trials proved that ZERONA helps patients lose up to 9.5 inches in just two weeks with no pain, no surgery, no recovery, no needles, no downtime.


The ZERONA treatment is available in South Florida in Boca Raton at Bauman Medical Group.

More on Zerona, Mistakenly called 'verona'

Some of the original studies on Zerona were done at Dr. Douglas Dedo's clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.   A short news clip on one of his patients aired last night on ABC Palm Beach WPBF:

Unfortunately, they mispelled and mispronounced the name of the treatment...

It's called ZERONA, not VERONA.    The Zerona (not Verona) is performed with the Erchonia FDA-cleared LipoLASER.    As described, six treatments over the course of two weeks.   The average patient loses 5 to 6 inches without change in diet or exercise.   However, we do recommend special adjuncts to the regimen (like compression garments, etc.) to faciliate the body contouring process and enhance the result.  The painless laser device is located in our clinic in Boca Raton.  For more information on the Zerona (not verona) process for body contouring and fat reductions, call toll free 1-877-561-LIPO[5476] or 561-394-0024. 

Laser Lipo Process=ZERONA (not Verona) for fat reduction/body-contouring

News from Erchonia Medical, Inc. makers of the FDA-cleared LipoLASER.

"Verona" is a city in Italy.  Zerona is a non-surgical fat-reduction/body-contouring treatment using a painless laser.   For more information on Zerona (not Verona) at Bauman Medical in Boca Raton, Florida, call 561-394-0024 or email [email protected]